Wednesday 31 March 2010

Detailed Interview

An interview with Vriddhi Chopra to gain a better insight on people’s opinions and thoughts of Horror films to help our teams productions have a better idea of  what and how to create our film.

In a Horror film what themes, like zombie, vampire, witches etc would you like to see and why?

Currently there seems to be too much hype over vampire’s and werewolves therefore I’d really like to see a zombie film as I feel there is a gap in the market to gain my interest.

In your opinion what age group do you think Horror films are aimed at and why?

Teenagers and people in their young twenty’s as they see them for a thrill and a rush of adrenaline where as an older person would get a heart attack… or just not appreciate what the films aims are trying to do.

What type of characters would you like to see in the film and why?

I’d like to see an attractive male cast who are quite youthful so I could relate to the themes going on in the film as they are more of my own age. Also a few main characters as there would be more stereotypes and personality’s to explore to keep me interested.

What conventions do you associate with horror films?

Supernatural, gore, dark and gloomy, psychopaths, disturbed, blood, violence, weapons, death, haunting, ghosts.

When you go to the cinema what type of film are you likely to go and see and why?

I would probably go to see a Horror-comedy film because it would give me laughs and thrills so overall enjoyment, and I wouldn’t freak myself out to much

How likely are you to buy or rent the DVD when it’s released a few months later?

Depends how good the film was in cinema, but most likely I wouldn’t as the thrills and shocks during the film would no longer be unexpected loosing the impact of the film.

And finally what you want to see in the first two minutes of a horror film?

I would like to see more action in the opening scenes as I feel like previous films take to long to start therefore losing my interest.

From this interview, ideas to consider would be making a more action packed opening as viewers may feel bored with all the symbolic foreshadowing found in most the films as it bores and loses interest for the audience.
Main characters could consist of an all male or mixed cast varying from 3-6 main characters which may present more opportunites in the future plot line and creates a more variation for the audeince.
I have also learnt from this interview that there is an a market for zombie themed films, which back up other reasearch. Also the film needs to make most of its money from the box office as possible as there seems to be a slight unlikelihood of many DVD's being bought or rented when its released.
Sophie Grayling

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